The 31st installment of the popular series “Otome’s Bookshelf” is a collaboration between literary master Ogai Mori and illustrator Gemi!
A fascinating book that can be enjoyed as both a novel and an art book. All illustrations newly drawn.
As the night gradually faded, the Takase boat, carrying two silent people, glided across the black surface of the water.
On the Takase boat carrying criminals. Shobei, who was ordered to escort Kisuke, who had killed his younger brother, became interested in Kisuke’s strange behavior and spoke to him.
Mori Ogai’s masterpieces are used in book covers and CD jackets, and in this series, Muro Saisei’s “From the Collection of Lyrical Pieces”, Ogawa Mimei’s “Moonlit Night and Glasses”, Akutagawa Ryunosuke’s “Mikan”, Kajii Motojiro It is drawn by Gemi, an illustrator who has gained support from a wide range of generations, including those who are in charge of “Lemon”.
A gem collaboration series that combines literary masterpieces with beautiful modern illustrations.
I want to display it on my bookshelf. I want to give it as a present to that important person. This is one of the books in the “Otome’s Bookshelf” series that will make you feel that way.