The 30th installment of the popular series “Otome’s Bookshelf” is a collaboration between literary master Osamu Dazai and illustrator Kira Imai!
A fascinating book that can be enjoyed as both a novel and an art book. All illustrations newly drawn.
Oh, what on earth am I waiting for?
A woman goes to the station every day to pick up people she hasn’t met yet. Today too, she is sitting on a cold bench at the station.
Osamu Dazai’s masterpiece continues to be supported by Lolita girls all over the world for its unique atmosphere that is unrivaled by others, and this series is illustrated by the popular illustrator Kira Imai, who is also responsible for Osamu Dazai’s “Schoolgirl.”
A gem collaboration series that combines literary masterpieces with beautiful modern illustrations.
I want to display it on my bookshelf. I want to give it as a present to that important person. This is one of the books in the “Otome’s Bookshelf” series that will make you feel that way.