The 33rd installment of the popular series “Otome’s Bookshelf” is a collaboration between literary master Osamu Dazai and illustrator Honojiro Towoji!
A fascinating book that can be enjoyed as both a novel and an art book. All illustrations newly drawn.
That man took my woman. No, no! That woman stole that person from me.
“Please cut me to pieces and kill me.” Saying so, the man informed him of the whereabouts of his own master.
Osamu Dazai’s masterpieces are known for his character designs for famous games, and this series includes Yeats’s “Heart of Spring”, Edogawa Ranpo’s “The Human Chair”, Kyusaku Yumeno’s “Love After Death”, “Bottle Hell”, and Kyoka Izumi’s “Surgical Room”. ” by the popular illustrator Honojiro Towoji.
A gem collaboration series that combines literary masterpieces with beautiful modern illustrations.
I want to display it on my bookshelf. I want to give it as a present to that important person. This is one of the books in the “Otome’s Bookshelf” series that will make you feel that way.