The “Hiroyuki Imaishi Anime Art Collection” is the first collection of works by Hiroyuki Imaishi, who is active as a director and animator. This collection includes not only illustrations related to anime such as “Gurren Lagann” and “Kill la Kill,” but also original illustrations and illustrations for his columns in Animage and Newtype. In addition to illustrations, the book also includes design drawings and original drawings that he has created. This is a substantial volume that allows you to fully enjoy the world of Hiroyuki Imaishi’s works. Main Works Included ★ Illustrations “Gurren Lagann”, “Kill la Kill”, “Space Patrol Luruko”, “Promea”, “DEAD LEAVES”, “Ninja Slayer From Animation”, “Space Patrol Luruko”, “Furikuri”, “Neon Genesis Evangelion”, “Anime Store Manager”, Animation Style-chan, illustrations for magazines, etc. Design drawings “Abenobashi Magic Shopping Arcade”, “OVAL x OVER”, “NAMCO x CAPCOM”, “Musashi Den II BLADEMASTER”, etc. Original drawings “Medarot”, “Lupin III: Alcatraz Connection”, etc.
[Original text in Japanese, translated by DeepL]